Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Jakcloth 2010

Jakcloth 2010Beberapa snapshot dari acara hari ketiga Jakcloth 2010 di Plaza Tenggara Gelora Bung Karno tanggal 5 Desember 2010.

Jakcloth 2010  Jakcloth 2010

Jakcloth 2010Jakcloth 2010 Jakcloth 2010

Jakcloth 2010

Jakcloth 2010

Jakcloth 2010

Selamat kepada para pemenang.

Sorry kalau fotonya cuman sedikit, tapi tenang aja, beberapa action gw abadikan dalam bentuk video dan sedang dalam proses upload. Rencananya video akan gw taro di http://steinhards.com


Minggu, 21 November 2010

Tika & The Dissident - Smells Like Teen Spirit (nirvana Covers)

damn...realy love this song and respect to Tika & The Dissident.... just to remains how many a good band in indonesia....peace,love, and emphaty...

ANDA featuring BONITA -Cukup dalam hati-

Yup... udah lama juga gw nggak dengar ANDA setelah sekian tahun dengan hit singlenya AADC hehehe...ini dia sedikit "cuplikan" hahaha footage ANDA featuring BONITA dengan judul "Cukup dalam hati" the song is so soulfull....enjoyed..

Jumat, 19 November 2010


coba menengok teman bernama KOMO, yang sekarang mirip seperti wali...(band kali).kita mencoba menjajal kota ini dengan berwisata kuliner..come up...im hungry

Dan membawa buah tangan

beat and less style...LOL
di perjalanan komo ingat melihat mainan sewaktu dia tinggal di mars..
tak mengurungkan niat buat naik ke sana...fuk fuk fuk

dan ini adalah hair style 2012(top collection)
i wanna to try

lunak ayam..

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Battle at the Berrics 3: Final - PJ Ladd vs Paul Rodriguez


Selasa, 09 November 2010

like..the temper trap

Sweet disposition
Never too soon Oh reckless abandon,Like no one's watching you A moment, a love A dream, a laugh A kiss, a cry Our rights, our wrongs A moment, a love A dream, a laugh A moment, a love A dream, a laugh..lalalalala


Skateistan: To Live And Skate Kabul is a beautifully shot film that
follows the lives of a group of young skateboarders in Afghanistan. Operating against the backdrop of war and bleak prospects, the Skateistan charity project is the world’s first co-educational skateboarding school, where a team of international volunteers work with girls and boys between the ages of 5 and 17, an age group largely untouched by other aid programmes.
"Disini kita bisa melihat bagaimana skateboarding dapat membantu,menghibur, menemani, bahkan melupakan sejenak teror perang yg dialami anak-anak korban akibat perang".
PEACE FOR ALL (schoolyard)

SKATEISTAN: TO LIVE AND SKATE KABUL from Diesel New Voices on Vimeo.

Kamis, 01 April 2010

Piero Nation Competition I

Piero Competition

From Piero Nation Skateboarding I (March, 28) at Greenpark, Jakarta

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition 

Piero Competition Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

Piero Competition 

Piero Competition

Piero Competition

For more photos, download link available on http://www.steinphotos.net